Online Blogs—Accepted on a rolling basis

Do you have a piece of writing you wrote for class that you’re really proud of? Are you looking for a home for your creative writing? Do you have photos you wish were published online? Submit to the blogs!

Submissions can be any previously unpublished work from Ithaca College undergraduate or graduate students from all majors regardless of background, genre, or chosen medium. Our online blogs are currently accepting anything from creative fiction to reviews to art, photography, video, and more!

Submissions are CURRENTLY CLOSED for our annual Print Magazine

See instruction and what we’re looking for below.

Submission Instructions

Attach your work in an email to with your last name, genre, and whether you’d like to submit to the blogs or print magazine* in the subject line (ex. “Palma / Fiction / Blogs”).

In the body of the email, please include your preferred means of contact and a brief bio (name, year, major(s)/minor(s), and creative interests).

The artist’s name should be excluded from the attachment. Title each file Genre_Title (ex: "Fiction_MantecaDream").

All submissions to the magazine will also be considered for publication on the Stillwater blog. Please indicate in your submission email if you would only like your work to be considered for the magazine, and include “Print Magazine Submission” in the subject line.

Stillwater considers

Fiction or Nonfiction submissions of up to approximately 4,000 words (as a .docx file with 1in margins, in double-spaced 12pt Times New Roman)

Poetry submissions of up to 3 poems (each as a separate .docx file with 1in margins)

Still visual submissions of up to 5 images (photography, illustrations, paintings, etc; each as a .jpg or .png file)

Moving image submissions (video essays, documentaries, animations, dances, etc; as an unlisted or private link through YouTube or Vimeo along with a password, if required, in a .docx file).*

Musical submissions (sheet music, audio, video, etc; live performance is not required; if video, follow the same guidelines as moving image; otherwise, submit in a file format appropriate to the medium).*

Or work in any other hybrid form.*

For the print magazine, each artist is allowed only one submission per genre.

Stillwater does consider simultaneous submissions. If work is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify to withdraw submissions.

We look forward to reviewing your submissions and seeing the wide range of art produced across Ithaca College’s campus.

*If you are struggling to classify your work or have any other questions about the submission process, feel free to contact us at

Note that for film, music, or other work that cannot be easily reproduced in print, we may ask you provide alternative content to include in a print copy of the magazine—for example film stills, lyrics, or an artist’s statement.