Stillwater’s continuously running showcase for visual and written work. The Blogs are a no-cut publishing space for all Ithaca College Students. If you’re interested in being on the Blogs, visit our submissions page.
The Moon Over Brunswick
The sky was grey and gold overlooking Crystal Spring Farms
On the last day that I drove by
We had a conversation over gelato
Because you were tired and overworked
Words From My Woman Mouth
I’ve had this happen to me many times and I’m sure that you have too. You are having a Socratic-style seminar and after biting your cheek for a while, you finally grow the courage to share your wisdom with the class. You have been sitting on your insight for the past 4 minutes before realizing that it’s actually worth sharing and you aren’t wasting anyone’s time by opening your mouth (which is something you worry about an awful lot even though you shouldn’t).
The Persevering Evergreen Tree
Disappointment and error strike at the worst of times,
Always creeping up within the dead of night; you feel as if you committed a crime.
Up above the iced-over pavement, crowning itself where the birds fly, an evergreen tree stands.
Triumphant, stable, and able to be climbed upon by way of both feet and hands.
Amendment for a Work You Will Never Read
Dear Reader,
This amendment is in reference to my work, “The Lumpy Body Society”. It’s about my body dysmorphia and the relationships that influenced it. If you have not read it (which is the case since it has never been released and never will), I encourage you to read on! If you want to read the original work, please don’t ask me!
My Mother Says I Walk Too Loud
Every step I take sings
I plant my foot on the ground
So I will never fall in love
The Genealogy of Café con Leche
The simplicity
Of Cafe con Leche es mas rica
Café tiene melanina …
The Girl Pushing up Daisies
I planted a small tree today–
tomorrow it will die.
I can sense the decay I planted …
Awaiting August
Late winter and spring have never been easy for me— long days worth of steel skies, cold winds sweeping flat fields of cracked, brittle cornstalks, late mornings and early, dark nights, brass puddles in the field behind my yard …
Exhale, a Collection of Poetry
Nathan Moone’s Exhale, is a collection that came from a place where he needed to get something off his chest. Moone was insecure in writing these pieces which allowed him to throw himself down that tunnel and explore why he felt the way he did. This collection is an exhale, a release of inhibitions and allowing himself to say what he feels.
Empty Fields
I see the sparks from a coil ignite
Catching fire becomes the light
We will be burning through this night-
To Worship …
The Selkie
The moon shines down over the soft, cool sea. The wind laps at my back and the snow on my bare feet gives them a soft chill. I love this time of year. …
Stillwater Application
Stillwater is looking for editors for the 2022-2023 academic year, and we want you to be one of them!
This Sunday Afternoon
I retire upon a bench
In a park across the street
From my childhood home …
How to Grow Tomatoes and Date Your First Boyfriend
Selecting Seeds:
You won’t meet him in April or while picking tomatoes. Instead, you’ll be picking clothes off the floor, working an after-school shift…
Editor Spotlight: Lyndsey Honor, Co-Editor in Chief
Tongue Tied written by Lyndsey Honor
Inspired by Carlos Murillo Zamora’s Dark Play or Stories for Boys
Laundry Day
On the tippity top of Mommy's dresser there's a blue vase. It has flowers painted on its side, big white ones with yellow middles…