Carnivorous Dreams

A Curse Moves in the Wind” by Adam Dee

Carnivorous Dreams

Scout Frost

Darling, I don't dream lately

because most nights I can't sleep,

twisting and turning and folding and stretching

like a sheet underneath my sheets.

I was hot and restless

that night you spent with me,

my bones aching with the loss of desire.

You whispered about your dream

of a long walk in the dead of night,

steaming and smoking in the brush fires.

You told me about that dream so many times

I thought it might become my dream too,

but I doubt it will be anytime soon.

I wish I could fall into your festering forest fire,

but I feel myself fading in and out

like a radio in the countryside.

When the teeth dreams came back,

you told me about those too, 

and I watched as 

the canines and molars

in your mouth crumbled and fell 

into my waiting palm.

I don’t know how to hold


you’ve given me.

I won't tell you about my dream,

about the carnivorous deer

and the canines with sharp canines 

standing tall on their hind legs,

because my dream wasn’t beautiful like yours.

Keep your pearly whites,

your raging red flame.

I may not like dreaming of blood

but at least the dreams are mine.

Dog eat dog.

Deer eat deer.

In many ways we're the same, 

you and I, 

and that's exactly what I feared.

Scout Frost

Scout Frost (they/them) is a sophomore writing major and with an art minor. Their creative interests include painting, crocheting, and writing nonfiction and poetry.


